About Specto photonics
Specto Photonics has a big ambition: make Brillouin Spectroscopy accessible to everyone
To accomplish this goal, Specto Photonics develops and commercialises the next-generation miniaturised Brillouin spectrometers. This technology enables to optically retrieve viscoelastic properties in the volume of biological organisms with micron-size resolution.

About Specto Photonics

Why it matters
Unlock the Power of Mechanobiology
Mechanobiology studies the mechanisms by which mechanical forces and viscoelastic properties influence biological processes. Accessibility to mechanical information is essential in biology and medical fields since changes in cellular and tissue viscoelastic properties play a pivotal role in disease development. State-of-the-art technology that measures mechanical properties exhibits limitations imposed by the requirement of physical contact with the sample, making them destructive and not capable to investigate the volume of biological organisms.
Why it matters

The technology
- All-optical
- Contactless
- Non-Destructive
- Label Free
- High-resolution
- Three dimensional
- Highly accurate
The technology
- All-optical
- Contactless
- Non-Destructive
- Label-free
- High-resolution
- Three-dimensional
- Highly accurate

